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Oregon Water Future Project Report Press Conference

We are excited to share a press release for the new Oregon Water Justice Framework.

With a massive state budget surplus, and billions of federal dollars flowing into Oregon, the state has a historic opportunity to update aging and inadequate water systems at a time when the Western United States is seeing record-breaking flooding and drought that underscores the importance of just and resilient infrastructure.

A new framework from the Oregon Water Futures Collaborative aims to shape state and local efforts to advance a water justice agenda and address long-standing disparities in water resources by engaging low-income, rural, and communities of color as water actors and community assets. The framework is already impacting water policy in the 2023 legislative session in the development of historic investments such as the  Bipartisan Drought Relief and Water Security Package

A virtual press briefing previewing the Oregon Water Futures report. The report summarizes the findings from community conversations conducted throughout 2020 with Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) communities across the state.

Panelists included:

  • Lead report author Alaí Reyes-Santos, PhD, Associate Professor, Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies Dept., University of Oregon

  • Rachel Lynne Cushman, Councilwoman, Chinook Indian Nation

  • Reyna Lopez, Executive Director, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste 

  • Dolores Martinez, Community Engagement Director, EUVALCREE

A full transcript of the Oregon Water Futures Press Conference is available.

Please note that this transcript is auto-generated and may not be 100% accurate to the audio provided.




September 2022

State of Water Justice in Oregon Published

Oregon Water Futures partner, Stacey Dalgaard, builds on the interviews conducted by the Oregon Water Futures Collaborative in 2020. This report expands the base of evidence demonstrating how frontline communities are impacted by Oregon’s water challenges. It draws from a range of sources to paint a picture of what is meant by “water justice” in Oregon, and helps set the stage for further development of strategic priorities to address these challenges.

August 25, 2021

Water Resource Commission Meeting

OWF members presented their report findings to the Oregon Water Resources Commission on August 25th, 2021.

Their presentation begins at 1:46:00

June 1, 2021

Addressing issues of water justice

Alaí Reyes-Santos of the University of Oregon, Haley Case-Scott of the NAACP-Beyond Toxics in Lane County, and Jairaj Singh of Unite Oregon Clackamas County reflect on the current legislative bills that can positively impact water justice in Oregon.

May 28, 2021

LISTEN: Understanding Water Challenges Facing Oregon’s Native, Black, Latinx, and Migrant Communities

Portland Monthly’s podcast, Footnotes, talks with Professor Alaí Reyes-Santos about the Oregon Water Futures Report.

May 26, 2021

Migrant Communities distrust Oregon’s drinking water, report says

The Statesman Journal reports on the recent Oregon Water Futures Project Report.

July/August 2022

How Clean Is Your Water? An Oregon Initiative Brings Water Testing to the People

OWF members Alaí Reyes-Santos, Lynny Brown, and partner Todd Jarvis discuss the Oregon Water Futures effort and their new project funded by Oregon Health Authority, where they are collaborating with communities to complete community-led well water tests.

June 24, 2021

XRAY Interview with Vivian Satterfield and Cheyenne Holliday

Listen to Oregon Water Futures partners Vivan Satterfield of Verde and Cheyenne Holliday of the University of Oregon discuss the project and final report with XRAY In The Morning.

May 27, 2021

Elevating Voices: Addressing water shortages in Oregon means listening to communities of color, according to new report

The Eugene Weekly reports on the latest Oregon Water Futures Report.

May 25, 2021

Oregon communities of color face clean drinking water inequities, report says

OPB reports on the recent Oregon Water Futures Project Report.

April 16, 2021

A thirst for Oregon Water Futures Project.

Professor Alaí Reyes-Santos, Reyna Lopez, and Rachel Cushman reflect on President Biden’s American Jobs Plan and how investment in water infrastructure is critical in Oregon.

June 19, 2022

Indigenous, communities of color shape top 6 actions to bring water justice

Oregon Water Futures Collaborative build on the experiences of 200 community members and feedback from tribal government, researchers, state agencies, utilities and environmental organizations, they’ve identified 6 water justice concerns requiring attention now.

May 26, 2021

Indigenous, migrant communities distrust Oregon’s drinking water, report finds

The Register Guard reposts the Statesman Journal’s story on the Oregon Water Futures Report.

May 7, 2021

Curious: The Oregon Water Futures Project and Water Equity.

Listen in on Professor Alaí Reyes-Santos’ interview with The Jefferson Exchange Public Radio Team to discuss this project.

October 7, 2020

When Water Matters, Psychology Grad Advocates for Underrepresented Groups.

Report co-author, Cheyenne Holliday of the University of Oregon, is interviewed about the Oregon Water Futures project and her role with partners.